• Cosmetic tattoo differs from “body” tattooing by depth and technique. In cosmetic tattoo the goal is to gently implant pigment into the very top layer of the dermis, which is not nearly as traumatic as a regular tattoo. Also, there is plenty of topical numbing anesthetic used throughout the entire service.

  • Unfortunately, no. If any of the following applies to you, you are not a good candidate for cosmetic tattoo:

    *The use of accutane in the past 12 months.

    *The use of blood thinners 24 hours prior to the appointment. This includes caffeine, alcohol, ibuprofen, aspirin, and certain medications.

    *Pregnant or nursing mothers.

    *Heart disease.



    *The use of retinol products 1 month prior to the appointment.

    *Receiving botox or filler 1 month prior to the appointment.

    *If you are under the age of 18.

    *If you suffer from cold sores, please consult your doctor about preventive options before receiving cosmetic tattoo.

  • Although each body heals differently, depending on lifestyle (sun exposure, aging, skin condition, lip filler, skin care regimen, etc.) cosmetic tattoo services can last 1-3 years once healed.

  • For final results, you will need an initial appointment and a touch up. Once healed, it is recommended to receive a color boost every 1-2 years.

  • Depending on the service, 1-5 hours need to be allowed.

  • Unfortunately, it is advised to never perform a cosmetic tattoo service on a pregnant or nursing mother due to the unknown body changes and hormones which can affect blood circulation putting you at risk for improper healing and infection.